It’s Beginning to Look a Lot Like Swapmas
By: Hope Titley
We love Christmas. The presents, the food, the gifts, and getting to spend time with loved ones? It’s a special holiday that’s a tough one to beat.

Christmas is one of the most widely celebrated holidays in the UK, and safe to say, it’s the one with the most spice

There are so many things that come to mind when you think of Christmas, but rarely does anyone think of the impact that the festive season can have on our lovely planet. 

Every Christmas, the amount of waste produced in the U.K. increases 30 per cent,*. Considering the ever-growing waste dumps and floating rubbish islands, we can’t afford this dramatic increase.

The Christmas we know and love is full of plastic and waste on a massive scale, so now more than ever, it’s crucial to think twice about how you spend your time and money this December. Luckily for you, Bandi has come up with our favourite eco-friendly Christmas ideas (as well as an exclusive Bandi App event) that will make this festive season a hell of a lot more green.


The Great Christmas Jumper Swap

“Environmental group Hubbub warned that an estimated 12 million Christmas sweaters were set to be snapped up this year by Britons — despite 65 million already hanging in U.K. wardrobes.”* 

That figure is scary enough on its own, but when you consider that 1 in 3 over 35’s buy a new Christmas jumper every year, we are faced with a huge problem, but Bandi has a solution.

If you’re up to date with all the latest Bandi goss, then you’ll be more than ready to take part. But if this is your first time, allow us to explain.

Bandi will be hosting a HUGE Christmas jumper swap on the app. We aim to get as many Christmas jumpers uploaded onto Bandi as possible so that you can swap your way to your next festive fave before Christmas this year.

We want to see what you’ve got! Whether it’s a bad pun (no such thing), a classic festive print or something filled with fairy lights, this is your sign to get them on Bandi App. 


How to take part: 

  1. Download Bandi App (Of course)
  2. Upload your preloved Christmas jumpers. And add #christmasjumperswap to your bio.
  3. Match with other swappers.
  4. Get Swapping!
  5. Flash your finds on Instagram! (Don’t forget to tag us @bandi_app and #christmasjumperswap)


Wrapping Paper

Are you the sort of person who has everything wrapped at least two weeks before Christmas, or the panic wrapper who decided tin foil was perfectly acceptable? Well, you may not realise this, but your choice of wrapping has an impact. All that fun, glittery paper? Hate to break it to you, but that’s a whole load of plastic that can’t be recycled. Make sure you are looking for papers that are marked as recyclable, or even better, try your hand at Furoshiki, the Japanese art of using cloth instead of paper to wrap your goods. The furoshiki itself can either be a part of the gift or reused time and time again whenever you need to wrap something. 


Christmas Dinner.

We know it’s iconic. That image of a table full of food, turkey ready to be carved and Pigs in Blankets slathered in gravy, ready to be devoured. The classic problem with this is, of course, the meat. Research suggests we throw away two million turkeys worth of food as most of us don’t know what to do with what’s left of the turkey.**

If you are looking to lessen your environmental impact this Christmas, why not try a vegetarian dinner? If that’s a hard pass, then look at buying from your local butcher or farmer to ensure high-quality meat with a minimal carbon footprint.

Another thing to consider is how much food will we actually eat? It’s tempting to mound your plate high, eyes bigger than your belly, but being mindful of what you can eat will prevent waste. In the case of leftovers, you can either freeze them to keep the festive vibes going or munch your way through on Boxing Day!


Christmas Outfits

Some people like to dress up, others have decided it’s a pyjama day, but either way, there’s no reason to run to fast fashion brands to buy yourself something new. There are so many alternatives for you to have a sustainable festive look, but just in case you needed a reminder…

  1. Get swapping! Now is the time to download Bandi App and swap your way to your next festive look.
  2. Buy second hand. Still can’t find what you’re looking for? Then open up sites like Vinted and Depop, or head to your local charity shop to have a rummage without the carbon footprint.
  3. Repeat your outfits! Who said you couldn’t wear the glittery dress for Christmas Day and New Year’s Eve? NO ONE. These are just made up rules that get you to buy more things. If you love that dress, it’s time to make like Lizzie Maguire and become an outfit repeater. (It’s cool, trust us.)


So there you have it. Our top tips to have a very Bandified Christmas.

But we want to hear from you! What will you be doing to have a greener Christmas this year? Or do you have something to share that we’ve missed out? Either way, let us know through Instagram or email us as we love to hear from you!