How to swap
By: Hope Titley
The clothes-swapping of the past was all done in person, where all you had to do was hand over your items for quality checking, and then away you went on your merry little eco-conscious way to find some swaps! But here at Bandi, we always like to do things differently.

Our swapping is based entirely online, which has numerous benefits, but it does place more responsibility on the individual swapper, which can make things more complicated. But not to worry, as the team at Bandi have got you covered.

We are here to make sure that your swapping experience goes smoothly, and with the Facebook group ever-growing and the app launch on the horizon, we thought that we would share our guide to successful swapping in the hopes that it will help you on your swapping journey!

Take good pictures!

Sometimes, a good picture can make all the difference.

The first thing to do is make sure your clothes look the best they can! This may mean a quick iron, but it’ll be worth it when you start swapping.

Try to take pictures in natural light against a neutral background, as this will offer the most authentic representation of your pieces and give other swappers a good idea of what they are looking at!

If you have the time, modelling the clothes (nothing too fancy, don’t worry) can really uplift your post, as then others can see the fit and really imagine it on!

Be honest

This is super important.

When describing your item, make sure you are taking note of anything that should be mentioned. Does it have a small hole? Maybe a stain that might not be noticeable when worn, but is still there? These are all things that should be mentioned before agreeing to a swap to make it fair! If you can, sending pictures or videos of these flaws is an even better way to ensure everyone is happy with what they are receiving.

Think: “Would I be happy to receive this item?”

Make sure to talk to each other

We don’t want any miscommunications! Once you have both agreed on your swaps, make sure to keep each other updated as you go! This can be anything from letting the other swapper know what days you can post to sending them the postage receipt once it’s gone! Just keeping each other in the loop throughout the swap should ensure that no one is left wondering where their swap has ended up, and everyone is happy.

Stay active!

Keeping up to date with what’s being posted is easy when you stay active. Be the first to spot new gems and snap them up quickly! Keep your wardrobe refreshed! The more you upload, the more you have to swap.

Show it off!

Whether it’s on the next big night out* or just chilling at home, We LOVE seeing you in all your swaps! Take lots and lots of selfies (you know you want to ) and then send them over to us so we can share them with the rest of our swapping family. There is nothing that makes us happier than seeing all of you swapping and loving your finds through Bandi.

*fingers, toes and literally everything else crossed.

Happy Swapping!